Design with You in Mind.

Digital Designs

Hello! I’m jazz, thanks for stopping by to check out my work. I love the challenges being creative presents, and the end result is always worth celebrating the process!

Sepasoft Homepage Redesign // Tools: WordPress | HTML | CSS | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Sepasoft Branding | Typography | Visual Hierarchy

Sepasoft Scalable-MES Virtual Event Web Page Design // Tools: WordPress | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap Functionality | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Sepasoft Branding | Typography | Visual Hierarchy

Sepasoft Products Web Page Redesign // Tools: WordPress | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap Functionality | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe InDesign | Sepasoft Branding | Typography | Visual Hierarchy

Sepasoft OEE Downtime Module Suite Landing Page design // Tools: WordPress | HTML | CSS | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Branding | Typography | Visual Hierarchy | Iconography

Sepasoft Noteworthy Web Page Design // Tools: WordPress | HTML | CSS | Adobe Photoshop | Sepasoft Branding | Typography | Visual Hierarchy


Software Icons Redesigned + Newly Created // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding | Composition

OEE Dashboard_Branded.png

Branded OEE Module Software Custom Dashboard Screen Redesign // Tools: Branding | Visual Hierarchy | Typography | Digital Layout

Branded Information Graphics // Tools: Branding | Visual Hierarchy | Typography | Digital Layout | Adobe Illustrator | Iconography

Branded Premier Integrator Badge //                     Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding

Branded Premier Integrator Badge //
Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding

Print + Digital Custom Icons // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding | Typography | Iconography

Print + Digital Custom Icons // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding | Typography | Iconography

Digital Custom Certification Icons.png

Digital Custom Certification Icons // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Branding | Typography | Iconography

Various Logos // Tools: Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Google Fonts | Branding and Identity | Negative Space | Typography/Visual Composition and Hierarchy | Layout

Leaf Icon // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Color | Composition

Leaf Icon // Tools: Adobe Illustrator | Color | Composition